A Scene In The Examination Hall
Jesus Christ once said, ”O God, do not put me to test.” An examination hall is a place of joy for brilliant student but a place of anxiety, nervousness and mental torture for others. Examinees feel as if they were prisoners inside a huge prison cell. They enter the examination hall with beating hearts. They occupy their respective seats and pray to God for his blessings. The Superintendent shouts, “Silence. No talking, please.” As soon as the question paper are distributed by the supervisors, all the examinees bend their heads to read the question paper. The supervisors keep a sharp eye on the candidates lest they should copy from one another. Occasionally, a flying squad from the university enters the hall and starts a physical search of the students. Some candidates become nervous while others continue with their papers. Some candidates feel as if they were quite blank. Three hours in the examination hall seem to pass rather quickly. But it is otherwise with those examinees who almost draw a blank. Time seems to hang heavy upon them. The superintendent announces, “Stop writing. The time is over now.” The candidates stitch their answer books and hand these over to the supervisors. They heave a sigh of relief and leave for their destinations.
In this manner, I recommend that whenever you have settled upon two organizations to browse, and one of those organizations has layered estimating, that you then, at that point dive into those valuing levels and endeavor to make an emotional assessment for yourself. 1z0-1042-21