Showing posts with label Modern Essay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Modern Essay. Show all posts

Thursday, December 15, 2016

No Pains, No Gains

This saying signifies that nothing great and noble can be achieved without a good deal of effort, struggle and sacrifice. As William Penn puts it, “no pain, no palm, no throes, no throne; no fall, no glory, no cross, no crown”. There are not short-cuts to success or golden rules to grow rich or to acquire scholarship in a few hours.

In the witty words of G.B. Shaw, the golden rule is that there is no golden rule. The path of hard and systematic and since rework leads one to the haven of success. It is a myth that often idles is happier than those who take pairs and apply then shoulders to the wheel. Another wrong notion among us is that without genius a student cannot become a first-rate scholar, howsoever painstaking he may be otherwise, as a matter of fact, genius as defined by Edison, is ‘one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration’. Another write Hopkins says: ‘Gift, like genius, I often think means only an infinite capacity of taking pains.” Rome was not built in a day. 

Rightly says a poet

The heights by great men reached and kept,
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
Were touching upward in the night.

Knowledge is Power

There is a difference between ‘strength’ and ‘power’ we say ‘the power of the press’ and not ‘the strength of the press’. A tiger has strength and this is only physical. Contrarily, a man with ideas or knowledge has power which for superior to and dominates mere physical force. It is rightly said ‘a pen is mightier than a sword.’ Today man with has gradually mounting knowledge and wisdom has been able through science, to unravel the mysteries of nature and harness then for his own benefits. Brain, not brawn (muscles) rules the world. Man with his superior intelligence is capable of domesticating the wildest and most fierce animal. He with his knowledge of science, can soar in the sky without wings, and reached the most distant place in few hours. The point is that power resides in ideas and not in muscles of the body. A competent doctor with one or just two injections can save life of the mightiest wrestler, because of his knowledge of medical science.

I am the Master of My Fate

Man is the maker of his destiny. He is his own star. His character and actions determine his future. Chance plays only an insignificant role in life. There is no effect without a cause, although sometimes the cause may be hidden from our view. Every failure of a particular person should be attributed to the limitations in his person and not to a call us God with arbitrary ways. ‘The fault, clear, Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves that we are underling.”

Man himself is responsible for his failures and successes. He is not the creature of unto wand circumstances, but creator of congenial circumstances in which he may thrive and rise from glory to glory. He will be what he wills himself to be. Only cowards are fatalists and live daily in regular fear of imaginary being like ghosts or phantoms. In Europe only a small number of men believe in fate. In the east the masses are ignorant and superstitions and believe that man is a slave of fate to the powers that be leaving alone the philosophical discussion about fate, it will always pay man to assume that he is the master of his fate.

We Live in Deeds, Not in Years

Keats passed away at the age of twenty-six. But what of trat! He is immortal as he has left behind imperishable footprints on the sand of time. The poets smear by Odes. His achievement compels wonder. In a period of four years, he wrote verse that so far is Un-excelled. As a matter of fact, one’s achievement counts more than one’s length of life. Surely, Keats lives in deeds, not in years. Truly has Ben Jonson saying:

“In small proportions we just beauties see;
and in short measures life may perfect be.”

One day of action, beauty and glory is better than a year so passivity, dullness and indolence. As Ben Johnson would tell us ‘a live of day’s is far better and blessed than ‘an oak, three hundred years’ because while the former is ‘the plant and flower of light,’ the better is destined ‘to fall a log at last, dry bald and sere’. The perfect life is the life of beauty, nobility and utility, howsoever short is be.

Sidaey Keyes dies prematurely at the age of twenty-one. Still he carved out a niche for himself in field of modern poetry and his ‘Prospero’ is a gem of a poem. The instance of Mrs. Toru Dutt is illuminating and revealing. She died before she was twenty-two and like Keats she is also the inheritor of unfulfilled renown. Her poem, like ‘The three of life’ and ‘Our aserarina tree’ and immortal. She lived in deeds and not in years.

So Sheridan rightly remarked ‘A life worthy should be measured by deeds not years’. A single movement of achievement is thousand times better than thousand flat and tame moments.
Tagore is revered for ‘Gitanjali’ and not the many years be lived. Mere breathing or causing won’t do. One should live virtually and vigorously. One should do something worthy of note and recognition.

Honesty is The Best Policy

It is possible that dishonesty may succeed for a short time, but honesty is sure to succeed better in the long run. This may be seen considering the career of students in schools and colleges, and of men engaged in the business of life. The student who cheats in an examination may, if he escapes detection, gain a few marks more that he would otherwise have got. But what is the probable result? He learns thereby to trust to dishonest means of passing his further examinations, and neglects hard work, the only sure means of success, Guess, even if his dishonesty remains undetected, he is likely to be out stripped by his more honest rival, and in addition he exposes himself to the risk of an ignominious conviction, which will run his reputation and surely wound the hearts of parents and friends.

The effects of dishonesty are much the same in the case of clerks, merchants, government servants and others. They may suddenly make themselves rich by dishonest means. But wealth so obtained is as a rule rapidly squandered, and to regain resource is likely to be had again to new acts of dishonesty. Thus the dishonest man lives all through his life in continual dread that his misdeeds may at any moment be revealed in the light of the day. Success in the beginning of his career only tempts him to become corrupt on a larger scale, and the end is generally disgrace and punishment. 
So far we have been considering the question merely from the point of view of material success, and have seen that the dishonest man is very unlikely to succeed in life. But even if by some rare chance he should manage to escape detection to the end and die famous and wealthy, he must nevertheless all through his life suffer pain through fear of detection and consciousness of his own baseness. Had he been an honest man, he would probably have won still more wealth and honor in the eyes of the world, and would have been spend the reproaches of a guilty conscience.

Prosperity Brings Friends, Adversity Tries Them

It is natural that prosperity should attract friendship, or at least the semblance of friendship. The friends of a prosperous man derive many obvious advantages from their connection with him. If their rich friend is hospitable, he invites all who have the privilege of caring him to pleasant entertainments in his five house and beautiful grounds. The rich man has also many opportunities of conferring more material benefits on his friends. Also from a feeling of variety most man takes a great deal of pleasure in being seen frequently in the company of the rich and powerful. Thus there are many motives by which men are urged to cultivate the friendship of the prosperous.

But when the rich man loses his wealth, or the powerful man is deprived of his power, all the friends, who were attracted only by considerations of self-interest, fall away. They did not love the man himself but his riches, his hospitality and his favors he could confer on those who pleased him. Therefore, when, owing to a change of fortune, he loses the power of conferring benefits, and is himself in need of the help to others, they leave him and seek more profitable friendships.

The true friends is constant is evil as in good fortune, and remains faithful until death. Thus it is that friendship is tired by adversity, as gold is tired by fire, and it is one of the consolations of adversity, that it gives us the satisfaction of knowing that those how cultivate our friendship are not self-seekers, acting with an eye to their own advantage, but true friends who love us for ourselves.

History and fiction give us many instances of friends tried by adversity, some of whom were found wanting in the hours of trial, while other show their genuine worth. One should therefore, cultivate friends who are friends in need and friends indeed.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Character has been defined as “the distinctive mark of an individual.” What that mark is going to be depends partly upon nature, but largely on family environment and up-brining. Children are imitative creatures, but they are also endowed with reasons; and character is formed, first by inculcating ideas of right and wrong in the minds of the young and, secondly, by the exercise on the part of the children of the reasoning power on questions of right and wrong. All men more or less are the architects of their own character. 

Character depends upon imitations, tastes, talents and habits. Imitation, in the case of children, is instinctive and not connected with reason, but as he grows older he chooses what to initiate. Then is the time for education to step in and point out what is worthy of imitation and what is unworthy, and then he will learn to select the best models for limitation. Ideals of self-control, courage, benevolence, honesty, purity should constantly be held up for the admiration of the young. They should be encouraged to read the biographies of great men, that they may be inspired by their example.

Another important factor in the formation of character is habit. It is by habit that character is fixed, just as it is by conduct that it is indicated. The practice of shirking work quickly grows and if allowed to obtain a firm hold, with be found most difficult to eradicate. On the contrary good habits, though more difficult to form than bad habits, are within the power of who are not radically weak, and, once formed, will rebuilt in the production of a healthy man, a worthy citizen, dutiful son and a wise father.

Problems of Rising Prices

The problem of rising prices is the greatest economics problem in a country today. It is cutting the throats of millions today because millions of people find it hard to manage one square meal a day. All days work does not promise then sufficient to eat and drink.

Prices have doubled in the last five years and many things on daily use are now beyond the reach of common man. More and more things are going beyond the reach of common people with each passing day.

The reason is not for to seek. There is a craze for getting rich as quickly as possible. The industrialists, the manufactures and the middlemen seek the highest profits and have no soft corner for the poor consumer and purchases. Big industrial concerns have become economic empire and dictate their own terms to the common people.

The government is also to be blamed to some extent. It is constantly increasing taxes there by pushing prices astronomically. It has been resulting to deficit financing and printing currency notes by the tons. It has increased prices and the common men are praying for his needs through the nose. The rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming poorer. This gap seems to be increasing each year.

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

A stitch in time saves nine and a malady which is curable today and within the control of the physician my become incurable tomorrow and get out of the control of the physician.

As they say evil should be mapped in the bad. At any rate, it should not be allowed to gain a firm foot hold. Once it gets a foothold, it becomes a very difficult to eliminate it. It is easier to prevent a boy from smoking if he started smoking only a few days back that if he has been smoking for the last year.

As a student should always keep in mind to postpone doing the work which he can do today to tomorrow. When work piles on work the he begins feeling nervous and diffident with the result that my times the fails in the examination. A stitch is time does save nine.

A stitch in time saves nine is a plea for immediate action and promptness and agility in life. Postponement of action is often injurious. We should clutch opportunities. Once we let them go unnoticed, it becomes difficult to call them back. John Ruskin did not let opportunities skip away, he always tried to stitch in time. He realized fully the importance of today and as Date Carriage tells us in his wonderful book: ‘How to stop worrying and start living’, he had on his desk a simple piece of stone on which was carved one word - Today. 

A stitch in time as saves one from a lot of mental worry and brooding. One who does not work on time, keeps on worrying and brooding over the work tell it is not done.

Once should not allow things to deteriorate. A cold, if not treated at the right time, may develop to pneumonia. Timely stop or action is always safe and sound. Delays are dangerous.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Population Problem 

The 2001 census that India’s population has crossed the one billion mark. It was 100 crore and 127 lack on March 1, 2001. Ours is the second most populous country in the world after China. Every year we add one Australia to our world after China. Every year we add one Australia to our population. Although India covers 2.4 percent of the total world area, it contains 16 percent of the world population. The situation is alarming. The population problem poses several dangers. On account of the fast rising population, people do not get enough to eat. There is no space for living. Children cannot be properly educated and when they complete their education, there are hardly any jobs for them. 

Men today outnumber women in our country. Kerala achieved the distinction of being the first fully literate state in India in April 1991. Unless steps are taken to provide more education opportunities for women, our family life will suffer. Women as mothers are the best teacher for their children.

The country should take a serious note of the population explosion. Our progress is possible only when we can look after all our countrymen, educate them, give those jobs and ensure the minimum standard of lively for every citizen in this vast country. We must control our population; this is in our national interest.

A Bad Workman Quarrels with His Tools

There is ample truth in the saying that bad workman quarrels with his tools. A bad students who fails in the annual examination will like to lay the blame of his failure at the door of those second hand books which his father bought for him and which do not contain, as he himself puts it, up-to-date information. He may also attribute a part of the blame to the environment of the house which interfered substantially with his concentration on the studies. But he will be the last person to hold himself responsible for the failure.

He has an ego and the demand of the ego is that he should not confess his own fault and limitation which, in themselves, are responsible for his failure or loss. Similarly, if a radio machine is incapable of finding out the defect in your radio setting it right, he will postpone the issue by saying that he has not with him then the proper has to handle or test same parts of the radio.

Men with a little beauty are haughty and vain, they are always trying to conceal their shortcomings from their friends or customers. On the other road, a really learned and wise man never quarrels with his tool, never puts the blame for his own failure on other factors with a view of hiding his faults and limitation. He is polite and not in the best show, if he cannot handle a job, he will lose no time in telling you that his is incapable of performing the job and that you should better hire the services of some more competent head.

Farewell Party at School

There is a tradition in every school that the junior students give a farewell to the senior most and outgoing students. Every student who begins school life must end it one day. I had studied in this school for six years. During my stay in the school I had learnt to respect and love every aspect of my school. The teachers meant so much as they gave me guidance at the most needed hour. The hour to leave school had come; it was indeed with a heavy heart that I thought of the breaking ties.

Our farewell party was to be organized by the XI class students under the supervision of then teacher. Each one of us was given an invitation card for the party by juniors. On their invitation we reached school at 2:30 p.m. juniors had organized a grand send off. They had beautifully decorated the auditorium. On the stage there were our honourable Principle, Vice-Principal and other member of the staff.

The cultural program started with the speeches by the students of XI class. They presented other programs like song, dancer, mimicry, skits. Some students from both the classes recited touching couples and poems befitting the occasion.

When the cultural program was over, one of our class students treated the Principal, teacher and juniors. Our teachers gave us some helpful sermons for the future life. Lastly the Principal advised us some points to follow for our forthcoming exams. Then the function came to an end.
Refreshments were served to all students. Each students of our class was gifted a pen by the juniors. We took leave from our teachers and friends with heavy hearts. Everyone tried to take cheerful though there was sadness in the air. 

School times are the best times; this was the time where I learnt that nothing lingers for long and that life demands a person to move on.

A Morning Walk 

Last Sunday I woke up early in the morning. The weather that day was very pleasant cool breeze was blowing and the sky, too was cloudy. I felt like going act for a walk.

I called my friend Sem, with the idea in mind to ask him to join me for a morning walk. He at once agreed to join me.

Very soon we found our self in the lap of nature and were breathing fresh and cool air. Everything around us looked fresh and green. Every row and then same little drop of rain would drop on over head. This would add to over joy and freshness. 

The birds were chirping on the tree tops. The dew drops on the beds of grass looked like little pearls. Little sparrows were flattering in the air. Butterflies were fitting from flower to flower. Nature seemed to be at her best at that time.

The scene now appeared on the eastern horizon. Its rays seemed to be struggling to thorough the clouds that had begun to look red. The scenery at that time was breather talking. In the mean time shepherds had some out with their flocks of cows and sheep. Their hearts were full of joy. Their lips were humming some sweet song of life.

Soon we reached near a lack and we dipped our feet in the fresh, cool water. It was time to return home.

With unwilling steps I returned home, with memories of my morning walk. Morning walks refresh over mind and body – it is a way to stay healthy.

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

The Power of Habit

It is through the power of habit that every act we do affect over character. This is why habit is called second nature; habit adds new tendencies, which became an important part in the sun total of once character.

The tendency to repeat too action that we have been in the habits of doing is seer in our most trivial concern, as well as in more important matter, as well as in more important matter.
People get into habit of sitting, standing and lying in certain postures, which are then said to be characteristics.

Knowledge of the power of habit is the chief means by which animals are trained to be useful to man. It is by habit that the Gavaly house is trained wild to keep his place in the same way as his horse, to give rapid obedience to the word of command.

The importance of habit is just as great in forming moral character as in the training of soldier and horses to automatic obedience to the word of command. All moralists recognize the fact that it is possible for men to became better or worse by the cultivation of good or bad habits, infact, that it is just this while makes moral progress and deterioration possible. A man who yields to temptation may at first do so with reluctance, but after yielding once or twice, resistance become more difficult until at last by continues submission he is to completely enslaved that has no control over his evil passions. On the contrary, if he had conquered the first temptation, his will would have thereby become stranger, and after frequent victories, he would have been so habituated to self- control that the temptation, which had first tried him, would have lose then attractive power and then he might have led his moral will, strengthened by the habit of victory, to still greater moral efforts.

A Memorable Day In My Life

I did not wake up and find myself famous on the morning of the 14th of last month. No one wished me even when I left my bed. In those boarding homes, which accommodation two hundred students, not one thought much of me as I passed the corridor. Yet it was going to be the most memorable day in my life.

It all came in this way. I was at that time an indifferent cricketer not the well know spin bowler, nor the talented batsman that I am thought to be now. Yet as I was passing along the corridor in front of Charles’s room-Charles was the college skipper. I was curtly informed that I was to be the eleventh man in the college team that day. My heart simply leap. For, I was ambitious and of late was showing better form than I had ever done.

We were playing that day against the strongest cricket team in the town, Sutton club. There was not the ghost of a chance of our putting up a good show. They batted first and made 250 runs for the less of 6 wickets. It was hurricane batting from the beginning to the end and fours and sixes came huge numbers. Then we began our innings. Our stalwarts returned to the pavilion in a short time. They could not withstand the steady bowling of David and Brown and defeat for us was only a matter of time
When we were nine wickets down, we had made only 63 runs. Then I went into bat amidst jeers and cheers of many of my college teachers. Ordinarily, I would have been very nervous, but so many strange things had happened that day I was feeling quite confident. Anything might happen! And something did happen.

James, who was the man, was a steady bat and played sensibly. He soon realized that I was set for a big score and helped me by letting me face the ball frequently. I hit ten sixes and 23 fours. Runs were coming at a fast pace. At tea time I had scored 145 run. Shortly before the end of the day’s play we reached the total 251 and the match was over.

I was simply delirious; I had turned certain defeat into victory. I was loudly cheered, garlanded and taken to the Boarding House in a Procession. I was very proud and a little giddy.

But the crowning glory of the day was the wire which reached me at 8 p.m. I had won a lottery of one lack rupee. I did not swoon or babble. Oh! I was so happy. I had never been as happy as on that day. New, the shades of the prison house, in the words of the famous poet words worth, are fast falling upon me. Things are taking a more gloomy turn. But, now I can always look back upon that day of my life and console myself that I too had my hour.

If I Were A Millionaire

We have often heard old people advise the young ones not to indulge in wasteful talk about the past and future by quoting the following lines from H.W. Longfellow:

“Trust no future, however pleasant,
Let the dead past bury its dead.
Act, act in the living present,
Heart within and God overhead.

But there will hardly be man or woman who has never indulged in day dreaming. It may be a sheer wastage of time but this at least shows some of the ambition of a man.

If I were to become a millionaire, I shall use the money in my own way. Do you think that I shall have a luxurious air conditioned bungalow to take repose in, a big limousine to take me from one place to another, several servants to attend to me and be at my back and call every moment? My answer to all this would be an emphatic “No.”

India is a poor country. There are many people in India who can’t get two square meals a day, not to mention the comforts and luxuries of life. They don’t have even a very small room where they can find response. They don’t have clothes to perfect themselves from the chilly winter. Though the Government has opened a few night shelters, they are insufficient; therefore I will open more night shelters.

I find that many people still die for want of proper medical aid. I would therefore open a dispensary for the poor. This will save them from the jaws of death.

Many people particularly villagers have no means of recreation. I will open sociology cultural centres at such places for their recreation. I will open orphanages and window houses for the orphans and windows. They will live and work there in an honourable manner. Through the Government has tried its best to open secondary and primary schools in almost every village of the country, little progress seems to have been made in the direction of adult education. It is a Herculean task. I will close three or four villages for this purpose. I would provide necessary establishment there and intensity the adult literacy programme. 

There are still certain villages where the villagers have not yet been able to free themselves from the clutches of the village money lender who always charges an exorbitant rate of interest on the money he lends to them. So I shall start a co-operative society to feed a few villages which are situated near to each other. The Society will lend money to the poor farmers. Besides money it will supply them with good manure and fertilizer.

This is how I will make use of my money if I become a millionaire. There will be people who will jeer and mock at me for my foolishness of spending my money in this manner but they perhaps do not realize that the inner happiness and man gets out of helping the poor and needy is something which is far more valuable than the sensual pleasures that a man can purchase from the money he has.

Why Indians Should Study English 

When India became free, there was a demand from several quarters that English should be banished from our land. It was the language of our rulers and was therefore a painful reminder of our slavery. However with the passage of time we have grown less intolerant. Experience has taught in that English is a much our language us that of the English.

We are living in a world which is well inter linked. No one can live as a frog in the well. If anything happens in one corner of the world it is bound to affect us. In this world of globalisation we have to interact with people of other nations and cultures. English being the most popular language is the best medium to communicate. We have to be aware of all the world events. English is the greatest window for in to look at the world outside.

Luckily, this language is no stranger to us. Our contact with it is now tow hundred years old. We shall have therefore, not much difficulty in winning its appeal. Countries like Africa are importing teachers to teach English, but fortunately we have a large number of teachers to fulfill our requirements. It we were ever to abolish this language, it will not only mean starting afresh but we would also be throwing away a jewel.

English is a language which embraces within its happy fold all the priceless treasures of science and technology, art and literature. Science is developing very fast and without this language India would not find it easy to keep herself abreast of the latest trends and discoveries. In literature, the translation from English has enriched our language and it will be the height of ingratitude to exile this mother who has helped us in so many ways. For all these reasons it will be wise and prudent for Indians to study this priceless language.

A Quarrelsome Man 

A story is a told of a Scotsman who saw two persons fighting. He approached them and asked, “Gentleman, is it a private quarrel, or can I also enter it?” There are some persons who are always itching for a fight. They are born under the influence of mars, the God of Battles. I have in my neighbourhood a man who picks a quarrel eight times in a week. A day that passes without a quarrel is a day last and wasted. He is the most in his element when he is threatening and gesticulating. Words come out of his mouth as brave comes out of crates.

I have tried to find out the causes of this quarrelsomeness. In the first place, the man has very poor health. Doctor is of the view that in such cases black like goes an accumulating in the body and that undermines health. Second, the man has financial difficulties. He is always indebted to others. Whenever his children ask for a book, clothes or pocket money, he harangues them in vehement language. Any talk about money is sure to start off a heated discussion and then it is an easy passage to verbal fireworks and even blows to the unfortunate children. It is amazing, how soon this man discovers or creates an occasion for a quarrel.

The other day, he purchased a little vegetable from a street hawker. He gave his a one pound note and asked for the balance. Now it so happened that the hawker insisted on some small change. That was signal enough for a quarrel. The poor hawker was threatened that he would be taken to the police station as a hoarder of small coins. With considerable difficulty the poor fellow was allowed to resume his itinerant trade. 

But sometimes the quarrel many not have upper hand. One day our hero boarded a bus and gave the money to the conductor for a ticket. The conductor asked him to wait, upon which he started quarrelling. The conductor was a big man and was about to pounce on him, when passenger intervened and saved some bloodshed. Quarrelling should be avoided at all costs.

Monday, October 03, 2016

The Life of a Soldier

A soldier is the pride of his nation. He defends the honor of his motherland with his life and blood. He has to rise above his own self to defend his nation. His profession brings out the best qualities in him like chivalry, discipline, team sprite, loyalty and steadfastness. His example serves as a beacon light to others who are tame and cowardly. His life is a source of inspiration to the youth of the nation. He has no politics in his makeup. He serves the nation to the best of his ability.

We love the soldier as much as, if not more than as the scholar, the statesman and the poet. The soldier embodies in himself the sprite of youth. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose lives in the memory of the Indian youth much more than Tilak or Tagore. The great and glorious past he played in the INA movement will be cherished by generation to come. The brace deeds of our soldiers at Kargil have 
become part of over folk love.

The life of soldier is very tough and full of discipline. He has to be mentally and physically alert and keep his body in fine shape for any battles that may come up. His performance in the theatres of war has been heroic and daring. He is the finest specimen of humanity who is prepared to given the supreme sacrifice of his life for the lives of his fellow countrymen. He has to brave the  tyrannies of nature and in thunder, lightning or rain, extreme hot or cold, in deserts, mountain or seas, day and night fight continuously for the know of his nation. He has to sacrifice his family life, be away from his children, only to the save the life of other children.

These days soldiers are involved in many other types of activities. They help civilians in fighting terrorism, communal violence, fury of floods, building of bridges, crop cutting, locus fighting, road building etc. the soldiers is truly secular in character and serves people of all castes, creeds, religions. We should always salute our soldiers.

Cinema as a Means of Education

There are many ways of educating oneself as well as others. One is through sight education through sight means that whatever is to be taught should be put before our eyes. It is also called visual education. This form of education is very effective and one learns very quickly through it.

Film is a form of visual education. We get all sorts of information and enlightenment. Film is a practical teacher. Education through films is very interesting. It is easily understandable too. We learn through it, in a couple of hours, what otherwise would have taken a very long time to learn. Mountains, rivers, jungles, battlefields, damns, mills and hundreds of other things are shown in films. We see big and new cities of the world. We learn customs and manners of different peoples. We come to know their way of living. All this broadens our outlook and are minds get enriched.
Films depict social evils and arouse public sentiments against them. Evils of dowry system, unsociability, caste system communalism, terrorism etc. are brought before our eyes. Seeing them we become conscious of our duty to end eyes. Seeing them we become conscious of our duty to end these evil practices and see their bad effect on our society.

Utility of films as a means of educations is very great in the developing counties. The majority of the people here is illiterate and cannot benefits themselves by reading. Hence they can acquire a lot of 
knowledge and information through films.

In our country, unfortunately the box office and commercial value of a film is given greater weight age than its educating value.

The lure of lure induces both producers and exhibitors to bid good-bye to art, to sacrifice moral and social value and forget the canoes of decency and decorum. A tendency to blindly imitate the glamorous Hollywood films and show the audience all the exotic things of foreign lands cannot but be prejudicial to the larger interests of our society and nation. 
To meet the requirements of different sections of society people of different age and stages in life, there should be a clarification of picture for children, for the middle aged, for the old, for agriculturist and fore factory workers etc. To the pictures certified for adult viewing only, children and students of 
tender age should strictly not be admitted.

In free India, the cinema has an important role to play by spreading knowledge and instruction and by providing innocent entertainment for the weary and the frustrated. The Indian film industry, which was one backward among other things, in artistic and technical excellence has made remarkable program in recent times. Our films are matching technical quality of Hollywood films, exploring new means and getting high international recognition for their content and presentation. Let us make full use of this medium of entertainment to educate ourselves and our countrymen.

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