Wednesday, September 28, 2016

An Air Crash

An air crash is so terrible a thing that it leaves behind nothing but wreckage. What is left of human bodies is nothing but charcoal and cinder. Travelling by air is, no doubt, easy and swift but it leads to disastrous consequences in the case of a crash. Everything finishes off in the air. The death toll is heavier when the number of passengers on board the plane is big. The death of a pilot or a wing commander on a routine fight is touching indeed but our heart comes into out mouth when we hear of an air crash which leaves behind hundreds of dead bodies, all mutilated and unidentified. A French airliner that crashed over Golar Hills a few weeks ago ripped open the hearts of those who read the news in the papers. The plane was carrying on board as many as 360 passengers. It took off all right at De Faus airport and flew at a height of 6,000 feet above the sea-level. Everything went right and the crew signalled no complaint in the engine. As the plane came over the Golar Hills, it developed some snag in the engine and lost contact with the radar. In no time the plane carrying on board 360 passengers crashed on the slopes of Mt. Alpha. All the passengers travelling by the ill-fated plane were killed. Massive operations were launched to trace the dead bodies and the wreckage. More than half of the dead bodies remained undiscovered. Later, the black box revealed that the plane broke into two in the air because of an explosion. Such accidents must be avoided at all costs.

An Accident

Life is a vale of tears. It is a drama of pain. In this age of high speed vehicles, accidents are very common. It is the mad craze for speed which is generally responsible for all the accidents. Only last week, I saw a very serious accident on the Ludhiana-Chandigarh road. I was scootering down from Chandigarh.  As I was nearing Mohali. I saw bus going at a high speed. A car was following it. The car driver wanted to overtake the bus as he tried to do so, the vehicle collided against another car coming from the opposite direction. Both the cars turned turtle. Four of the occupants of the car were killed on the spot while another three were badly injured. People working in the nearby fields rushed to the scene of the crash. A few passengers of the bus were also seriously injured as it had struck against a tree. I could not see the mutilated and blood-stained bodies. I rushed to a telephone booth and rang up the police and the hospital authorities. Medical rescue party and the police reached the spot in a short time. Some of the injured were provided first aid on the spot while others were sent to the PGI at Chandigarh. The relatives of the dead were informed. It was a heart-rending spectacle. There were tears in every eye. Such accidents can certainly be avoided if the drivers observe the rules of the road. Speed, no doubt thrills, but it also kills. The golden rule to avoid accident is: ‘Safety first, speed afterwards.’

517-L, Model Town,
August 25, 20...

The Executive Officer, 
Municipal Council,

I wish to draw your attention to the insanitary condition in your locality.

This locality has been neglected for long. There are so many pots which remain full of water in the rainy season. It becomes difficult to cross the road at night. Mosquitoes breed in the standing water. It is feared that some epidemic will break out. The so-called Disco fever has already told upon the health of the people.

The drains are not cleaned every day. The rubbish is dumped in the middle of the street. Flies keep buzzing throughout the day. Dung-heaps are not removed for days. The sweeper turns a deaf ear to the requests made to him. The Sanitary Inspector is a stranger to this locality.

It is, therefore, requested that the sanitary staff be instructed to take necessary steps in the matter. 

It will be appreciated if you take a round of this locality.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sachin Walia.

Examination Hall,

X Y Z City.
August 20, 20…
The Deputy Commissioner,
…………… District.

Dear Sir,

I want to bring to your kind notice the havoc caused by floods in the town. The fury of floods took the people unawares. The river rose above its banks and washed away many a house in the low-lying areas. The incessant rains added fuel to fire. Some houses are still in knee-deep water. People have become refugees in their own town. The floods have taken a heavy toll of human and animal lives.

The marroned people are in great misery. Their condition is pitiable. They have lost everything. Animals have no fodder. A viral disease has broken out. Signs of fear and anxiety are writ large on the faces of the flood-affected people. The city welfare society has jumped into the field. Some people have come forward to help the needy with cash or kind. Still much remains to be done.

It is, therefore, requested that steps to rehabilitate the affected people may be stepped up. Kindly make a survey of the flood-affected area so that you can see for yourself the havoc caused by the floods.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
A B C.

Examination Hall,

X Y Z City,

August 17, 20….


            The Branch Manager,

            Life Insurance Corporation of India.

            X Y Z city.

Dear Sir,

I have to inform you that my financial condition has so conspired that I cannot continue with my insurance policy. I have suffered heavy losses in business. I have now started another business. I have to start from the very scratch. I am in need of money.

I cannot play the premium for continuing the policy. I, therefore, surrender my policy and would like to get back the money paid by me. My policy No. is 23904672.

            Please consider it as most urgent.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Nitin kumar.

A Journey By Train

A journey by train undertaken in a pleasant mood reads like a lively chapter of life. More so, when one is placed in a good company, it leaves long echo behind. Last September, we had to attend the marriage of my cousin. My uncle had arranged the party in the Ashoka Hotel. The bridegroom, a mechanical engineer from Tata Nagar had expressed his desire for a brief but elegant party. We had to reach Delhi in the morning. We chose to travel by train. We reached the railway station about half an hour before the arrival of the Janata Express. We bought the rickets and came at the platform. As the train arrived, passengers waiting at the platform started boarding it. There was a great rush in the compartment chosen by us. It was with the help of the coolie we had hired for the luggage that we got seats in the compartment. Luckily, I got a seat near a window. When the train started, the confusion and noise seemed to end. Soon it started gathering speed and I began looking outside. After some time, I started reading a book. My sister started dozing while our presents kept talking. It was a pleasure to see the trees,  houses, electric poles, bridges, etc. rushing backwards. The train stopped at small stations for a while and so it left behind one station after the other. At Ambala railway station, the stoppage was a longer one. We came to the platform and took tea. Suddenly, my eyes fell on my old friend, Suraj who was returning from Delhi after attending a week-long yoga camp at Okhla (Delhi). We talked a lot over a cup of tea and parted. At last, we reached Delhi in good cheer. I enjoyed myself throughout the journey.

A Journey By Bus

A journey by bus is an interesting study of men and manners. It is a thrilling experience. Once I got a chance to travel by bus from Kalka to Shimla. Each passenger was an interesting study. The passengers were going to Shimla for holidays. They were in high spirits. They cracked many jokes. We had a hearty laugh. The passengers were in a mood to enjoy life to the lees. Some were eating. Some of them were busy in friendly chat. Some of them impressed me while others annoyed me with their odd habits. The road was zig-zag. There were many sharp bends on the way. Outside, the scenery was quite beautiful. The tall pine trees seemed to travel with us. The deep valleys below looked charming inside, the atmosphere became lively all of a sudden. An old man, in tight-fitting trousers and a gaudy shirt, was the centre of attraction for all eyes. Soon he started entertaining the passengers with his jokes. The journey became interesting and enjoyable. Our driver was careful in driving. We enjoyed the wayside scenes full of natural beauty. It was a real treat to life through these scenes. At last, out bus reached Shimla. I continue to cherish the memories of this interesting journey.

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