Thursday, September 29, 2016

An Ideal Student

An ideal student is the hope of the nation. He is not an idler who does nothing himself but expects other to help him. He lives up to his motto in life. He makes an all-round development of his personality. He starts his day on a cheerful and healthy note. He takes bath every day and devotes sometime daily to personal cleanliness. He is an early riser and tries to make the best of his time. He is the pride of his institution, the joy of his family and the wealth and future of his nation. He pays equal attention to all the subjects and does his home work daily. He does not shirk work. He bears a smiling face.he has pleasing manners. He shows regard for his class fellows. He holds his teachers in his teachers in high esteem. He is in the good books of his teachers. He has  real thirst for knowledge. He is popular with his class fellows. His teachers love him. He fights for truth and justice. He is punctual for his class and regular in his studies.he is a balanced personality with amiable ways and decent manners. He keeps himself abreast of the happenings that take place in the country and abroad. He has the courage of conviction. He is a true patriot and a citizen of the whole world. He brings good name to his institution and society. He is highly disciplined, truthful and honest in his dealing. In fact, he is an asset to the society he belongs to. On the whole, an ideal student is the shining star of his institution. 

An Ideal Citizen

An ideal citizen is the pride and wealth of the nation to which the belongs . He is, in fact, an asset to the nation. He is the true servant of his country. He obeys the rule of the law.he has in him the germs of a law abiding citizen. He does not live for himself alone. He has a sharp civic sense. He knows that rights and duties go hand in hand. He believes in the golden principle, “Live and let live.” He is broad-minded and is always prepared to help others. In a democracy, an ideal citizen is very hope of the country. He makes a proper use of his vote. He pays taxes and leads a peaceful life. He is a good neighbour and keeps a good well. He shares the joys and sorrows of his neighbours. He is loyal to his friends, community and country. He is out and out a patriot. He makes every effort to bring about unity and integrity in the country. He believes in international goodwill and world peace. He wants the good of humanity. He is a lover of humanity and the citizen of the world. He stand for justice and fair-play everywhere under the sun.he is always prepared to shed his blood for the sake of his society and his country. Free India wants such citizens as are ideal in every respect. Only then can Indian be proud of her people.

My Favourite Author

I have read the writings of many writers but I like the writings of Rabindranath Tagore the most. He had a deep insight into human nature. He left his soul behind in the form of his works. He wrote a number of novels, plays, short stories and poems. All his writing advocate the Indian culture in all aspects. He won the Nobel  prize for his collection of poems, the “Gijanjali”. It made hims famous throughout the world. His poems are full of beauty of nature, love of God and children. His song “Jan-Gan-Man” is our National Anthem. His novels “Gora” and “Wreck” are very famous. His short stories deal with touching human experiences. One cannot forget his stories like “The Human Coming”, “Cabuliwala”, “Subha” and “The Postmaster”. Tagore was a successful write in every field of writing. He is beyond appreciation, beyond comparison. He was a versatile genius. His best works have been translated in to many foreign languages. He was a symbol of the true culture of this country. His name will continue to shine in the annals of history. In short, hw was such a great writer as is born in a country only once in many centuries. Such writers prove to be beacon light to the reading public.

My Mother

“The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”

I am very fortunate in having a very kind and loving mother. She is very affectionate and considerate. She has a heart of gold in her. She gets up early in the morning, takes bath and says her prayers. Then she starts her daily work. She cooks food, washes clothes and does all other household work with her own hands. She does everything with a smile. She keeps the house in a tip-top condition. Our drawing room is the pride of our house. She has done all the interior decoration herself. She knows the art of pickling and preserving sauces, syrups and squashes. She teaches us table manners and social etiquette. She never puts on a wrinkle who our friends visit and re-visit us. She keeps the entire house in a proper trim. She is very economical manager of the house. She prepares the family budget very carefully. She is also good in the art of shopping. She is loving mother, a devoted wife and a dependable friend. She plays a great role in directing, guiding and controlling the entire household and the members of the family. Everyone of us carries a deep imprint of her personality. She is really a great character. May she live long to guide  and fondle us!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

My Best Friend

God friends are very rare in these fast changing days. Old values have gone and new ones have not yet come. Still, one must have a friend one can confide in. I am lucky to have number of friends. I love cash one of them. Rahul is my best friend. I am really proud of him. He comes of a respectable family. His father is a landlord. We are class fellows. He is one of the best students of out class. He understand things quickly.  He is a bright and active. He is very punctual. He is obedient and respectful. He is soft-spoken and unassuming. He is good in studies. He is not a book-worm. He reads extra books and is not confined to his textbooks. He takes interest in current affairs and often discusses with me important issues of the day. His approach is direct but impartial. He is tolerant, broadminded and co-operative. He is fond of visiting restaurant and he takes his lunch outside on Sundays. He is also found of seeing movies in theatre. Sometimes, he compels me to accompany him even though I have seen that particular movie. In fact, nobody is absolutely free form shortcomings. I allows him to enjoy such liberties and he does not cross the limit. He is a good player of badminton but he has never played any university match. He has no stage- fright. He is always open to argument. He is a well-mannered boy. I am really proud of him.

Our Principal 

Mr. Rai is the principle of our college. He worked as lecturer in Economics at Govt. Collage, Sujanpur before he went to England for higher studies. He got his degree of Ph.D. and returned to India. He was promoted as principal as principle and posted at Govt. College, Amaravati. He is 52 years old. He is tall and handsome. He is active and smart. He is hard-working, painstaking and co-operative with the members of his staff. He teaches his subject well. He takes one period of M.A. Part II class and devotes the rest of his time to office work. He plans his work and keeps an eyes on accounts matters. He takes a round of the college almost daily in the morning. He believes that a teacher should be true to this or her duty. He has a rough exterior and a heart of gold. He is a fine speaker. He has written many books. His paper ‘ Macro Mining’ was published recently in a reputed journal. He has attended many seminars on education and his valuable suggestions have been put into practice. He has due regard for his colleagues. They hold him in high esteem. He is prince among persons. He knows his job well. He is the captain of his team, a leader of his group, a guide and guardian to his students. In fact, he is the pivot on which the entire institution revolves. We are proud of him. May he continue to guide the destiny of our college !

My Favourite Teacher

Mr. Kumar is my favourite teacher. There is something in person that makes you like him or her. The ideal ties that existed between the teacher and the taught in the good old days are nowhere to be found these days. There are many teachers by whom I have been taught from time to time. There are others with whom I have come into contact in my student life. I have always been in the good books of my teachers. Mr. Kumar is a teacher like other teachers. No one is free from shortcomings. After all, teachers, like other members of the society, are all flesh and blood. Besides other qualities a teacher possesses, I find in Mr. Kumar a keen sense of duty. He is witty and intelligent. He knows his subject thoroughly well. He takes pains to make his point clear in the class. He is always well-prepared when he comes to take his class. He makes his lecture very interesting. He never loses his temper and tries to control the class in his own way. His techniques are new and progressive. His style and approach are modern and his attitudes are pragmatic and rational. He is a regular visitor to the college library. He helps the students in finding out books on different subjects. He is a regular visitor to the college library. He helps the students in finding out books on different subjects. He is a good players of hokey. He encourages his students to read books and take part in games as well. He does not want his students to indulge in unfair means in the examinations. This has earned him unpopularity with certain sections of students but he holds on to his principles in life. I like him for his lively approach to life and its problems. May his tribe increase in the world !

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