Saturday, October 08, 2016

A Kabbadi Match 

Games and sports are a part and parcel of life. In fact, they are as important as studies.  I love to take part in games. Kabbadi is my favourite game. Last Sunday, a Kabbadi match was played on the Mandi grounds. It was played between our college team and S.A. Jain College team. Our caption won the toss and selected of the side. The game started at 3.20 p.m. Our caption won the toss and selected the side. Our caption went  to the side shouting, “Kabaddi, Kabbadi”. Nobody came near him. He himself moved forward and touched a player. He came back without losing his breath. He won the first point. Then a player of the rival team took his turn. One of our players caught hold his right leg. He lost breath. The game went on for about an hour.the captain of the rival steam tried his best score maximum point. There were many ups and down in the game. We won and lost many points. At last, the referee gave the whistle. He counted the points and announced the results. Our team won the match by 62-58 points. It was a well contested match. The students of our  college raised shouts of joy. It was a golden  moment for us all. We were in high spirits. The principal of our college congratulated our players. He also applaud the players of the S.A jain college for their good performance. Both the team left the ground in good cheer.

 A Rickshaw Puller

A rickshaw puller is common sight in the street of every city in India. He can be seen at the bus stand, railway station and at every crossing. He works hard to earn his living. Sometimes, he goes without much work.he gets nothing for sitting idle. He often works from morning till evening. He knows no rest. Some rickshaw puller work even at night. They look cheerful. They indulge in merry jest with their rickshaws. But some passengers are very rude to them. They quarrel with them and refuse to pay the contracted fare. Some rickshaw pullers fleece ignorant passengers in a strange city. They follow bad ways of life. They waste their hard-earned money in gabbling and drinking. We come across all sorts of rickshaw puller. Some are good while others are bad. There are some educated rickshaw puller. They study during the day and work at night. They leave rickshaw pulling and get into some other job. Some people do not hire a rickshaw and prefer walking to going in a rickshaw. They think that the job of rickshaw pulling is inhuman. On the whole, rickshaw puller leads a very hard life. The government should take steps to improve his lot. Their little machine can be motorised. They can be given loans to buy auto-rickshaws. Rickshaw pulling by man must be done away with.

The Person You Do Not Like 

Everybody has his likes and dislikes. There is something in a person you like while there is something in him you do not like. But there are some  people whom just cannot like. One certainly avoids such people. Mr. Wigwag is one such person. He is a bog bore. Whenever you see him,you find him biting his nails with his teeth. He never brushes his teeth and he seldom take a bath. The moment he opens his mouth, you feel offended. In fact, he carries a foul smell wherever he goes. In conversation, too, he shows no manners. He goes on speaking without any rhyme or season on every topic under the sun. He is not prepared to listen to anybody else. He thinks that his viewpoint is always correct and that others are in the wrong. He is also in the habit of boasting about his ability and achievements. He is a big gossip. Ask his about anything, he will weave a long yarn. He paints himself the hero of his make-believe plot. When he is told to his face that it is a cock and bull story, he starts twisting the facts. In fact, telling lies is not his craft. He simply bores you. He has no moral sense. He carries tales against others and is censured in return. That is why I always avoid his company. 

A Modern Girl

A modern girl is modern in all aspects. On the positive side, she is aware of her rights. She wishes to get higher education in order to earn her living.l she is no way Less than a boy of her age. She excels in all examinations, sports and cultural activities and in different professions. She is no longer a puppet in the hands of ma, nor is she just a kitchen maid or a sex doll. She refuses to dance to the tune of man. She is educated and enlightened. She can compete with man in all spheres of life. She is bold enough to take part in functions with or without the company of man. She can travel in busses, trains or aeroplanes without any escort. Nothing is impossible for her and nothing is beyond her reach. She is bold enough to take part in functions with or without the company of man. She can travel in busses, trains or aeroplanes without any escort. Nothing is impossible for her and nothing is beyond her reach. She wants to be a judge, a magistrate or an I.A.S. officer. She wants equal opportunities. The negative side of a modern girl’s character can be seen in a newly acquired pride and arrogance. Some girls, for example, think only of new dresses, cosmetics and romance. This, however, appears to be a passing phase. It is a competitive world. Girls will have to compete with boys to find a proper status for themselves in years to come. They are actually on the verge of a bold advance. They will one day show the path of peace to the world. A modern girl has thus found her place in the citadel of the man-made world.

An Indian Farmer

India is a land of villages. Agriculture is a major profession in this country. A farmer, therefore, occupies a very important place in out social set-up. He is the backbone of our country. Hard work , patience and honesty are some of the features of his character. He suffers so that his countrymen many prosper. He is a very useful member of our society. He work hard, sheds his sweat and blood for the sake of his countrymen. He grows food grains, vegetables and fruits for us to eat. He grows cotton from which clothes are made. His work is very heavy. He works from morning till evening. His hard work and open air life make him stout and strong. He leads a simple life. He knows a lot about the quality of land, seeds, manure and sowing, watering and reaping of crops. He has now started using modern methods of agriculture. His food and dress are quite simple. He puts on light clothes. He is frank, straight-forward, loving and innocent. He has a reasonably good income. He spends lavishly on marriages and other celebrations and is often under debt. Our government has been trying to improve his lot. He is no longer illiterate and superstitious. He is a respectable figure. He richly deserves a place of honour in society. An Indian farmer is, in fact, the backbone of the Indian nation.

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

The Power of Habit

It is through the power of habit that every act we do affect over character. This is why habit is called second nature; habit adds new tendencies, which became an important part in the sun total of once character.

The tendency to repeat too action that we have been in the habits of doing is seer in our most trivial concern, as well as in more important matter, as well as in more important matter.
People get into habit of sitting, standing and lying in certain postures, which are then said to be characteristics.

Knowledge of the power of habit is the chief means by which animals are trained to be useful to man. It is by habit that the Gavaly house is trained wild to keep his place in the same way as his horse, to give rapid obedience to the word of command.

The importance of habit is just as great in forming moral character as in the training of soldier and horses to automatic obedience to the word of command. All moralists recognize the fact that it is possible for men to became better or worse by the cultivation of good or bad habits, infact, that it is just this while makes moral progress and deterioration possible. A man who yields to temptation may at first do so with reluctance, but after yielding once or twice, resistance become more difficult until at last by continues submission he is to completely enslaved that has no control over his evil passions. On the contrary, if he had conquered the first temptation, his will would have thereby become stranger, and after frequent victories, he would have been so habituated to self- control that the temptation, which had first tried him, would have lose then attractive power and then he might have led his moral will, strengthened by the habit of victory, to still greater moral efforts.

A Memorable Day In My Life

I did not wake up and find myself famous on the morning of the 14th of last month. No one wished me even when I left my bed. In those boarding homes, which accommodation two hundred students, not one thought much of me as I passed the corridor. Yet it was going to be the most memorable day in my life.

It all came in this way. I was at that time an indifferent cricketer not the well know spin bowler, nor the talented batsman that I am thought to be now. Yet as I was passing along the corridor in front of Charles’s room-Charles was the college skipper. I was curtly informed that I was to be the eleventh man in the college team that day. My heart simply leap. For, I was ambitious and of late was showing better form than I had ever done.

We were playing that day against the strongest cricket team in the town, Sutton club. There was not the ghost of a chance of our putting up a good show. They batted first and made 250 runs for the less of 6 wickets. It was hurricane batting from the beginning to the end and fours and sixes came huge numbers. Then we began our innings. Our stalwarts returned to the pavilion in a short time. They could not withstand the steady bowling of David and Brown and defeat for us was only a matter of time
When we were nine wickets down, we had made only 63 runs. Then I went into bat amidst jeers and cheers of many of my college teachers. Ordinarily, I would have been very nervous, but so many strange things had happened that day I was feeling quite confident. Anything might happen! And something did happen.

James, who was the man, was a steady bat and played sensibly. He soon realized that I was set for a big score and helped me by letting me face the ball frequently. I hit ten sixes and 23 fours. Runs were coming at a fast pace. At tea time I had scored 145 run. Shortly before the end of the day’s play we reached the total 251 and the match was over.

I was simply delirious; I had turned certain defeat into victory. I was loudly cheered, garlanded and taken to the Boarding House in a Procession. I was very proud and a little giddy.

But the crowning glory of the day was the wire which reached me at 8 p.m. I had won a lottery of one lack rupee. I did not swoon or babble. Oh! I was so happy. I had never been as happy as on that day. New, the shades of the prison house, in the words of the famous poet words worth, are fast falling upon me. Things are taking a more gloomy turn. But, now I can always look back upon that day of my life and console myself that I too had my hour.

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